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Delivery Charges

  • Delivery charges are calculated based on product weight & distance. Delivery charges can be calculated on each product page or your “Shopping Cart” before placing the order.
  • Some delivery waive offs or special offers may be applied based on promotions time to time.

Delivery Time

  • Deliveries will be handed over to the customer within 5 working days in normal conditions.
  • Customers will be notified at the earliest possible time if there any unavoidable delays with their order
  • In case of special emergencies such as lockdown, curfew, long holidays etc. The Customer will have to accept the unavoidable delivery delays.
  • The delivery address can be changed at any time before the order change to “Ship out” status. Please contact our Customer Service Hotline to request the change:

+94 713355755 | +94 719403907

  • Please note that an additional cost may be incurred if the delivery zone is different.
  • If your order has been placed using a credit card, your address change request may be denied due to security reasons.
  • If any items returned to us due the refusal by the customer at his end or unable to deliver due to any mistake of the customer the delivery charge +3% (Operation charge) will be deducted from the refund.

Delivery Tracking

  • Tracking Number and Delivery agent details sending by an E-mail.

Order status

  • On hold – Your order has been received but your payment not yet received or confirmed.
  • Processing – Your order has been received and we have requested the store to prepare for ship out your package.
  • Ship out – Your order has been collected by the Delivery Agent and is on its way to you.
  • Completed – Your order has been delivered to your location and collected.
  • Pending payment – Payment that has begun, but is not complete.
  • Canceled – We’re not holding any funds, and the entire transaction would need to be re-attempted if you wanted to send it again.
  • Failed – Failed payments typically happen when credit card information is entered incorrectly or the card is declined.
  • Refunded – Your Transaction was full or partial refund due to unable complete your order or refund request by you.

Damages During the delivery